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제14회 일송국제심포지엄 및 개교 30주년 한-일 공동심포지엄

  • 조회수 479
  • 작성자 일송생명과학연구소
  • 작성일 21.08.10

제14회 일송국제심포지엄 및 개교 30주년 한-일 공동심포지엄
□ 일시 : 2012년 4월 27일(금)
□ 장소 : 평촌 일송빌딩 문화홀
□ 주제 : Aging & Neurodegenerative Diseases
□ 내용 :
    1. Jae Bong Park, PhD., Hallym University, Korea
       Mechanism of RhoA inactivation in neurite outgrowth of PC12 cells
    2. Makoto Michikawa, MD, PhD., Nagoya City University, Japan
       Role of DNA damage responses in induction of premature senescence
    3. Young Ho Koh, PhD., Hallym University, Korea
       Drosophila models of neurological disorders in human
    4. Akihiko Takashima, PhD., National Center for Geriatrics & Gerontology, Japan
       Therapeutic approach of Alzheimer's disease through neurofibrillary tangle (NFT) formation
    5. Kazunobu Sawamoto, PhD., Nagoya City University, Japan
       Neuronal migration in normal and injured adult brain
    6. Toshiharu Suzuki, PhD., Hokkaido University, Korea
       Molecular pathogenesis of sporadic Alzheimer's disease
    7. Cha-Gyun Jung, PhD., Nagoya City University, Japan
       The role of ATBF1 on neuronal death induced by Aß and APP processing
    8. Sang Won Suh, MD, PhD., Hallym University, Korea
       Copper/zinc chelation by clioquinol reduces spinal cord white matter damage and behavioral deficits in a murine MOG-induced multiple sclerosis model
    9. Min Ju Kim, MD, PhD., Hallym University, Korea
       Inhibition of Alzheimer's pathogenesis by natural product: prevention of amyloidogenic processing and beta-amyloid aggregation by Ecklonia cava
    10. Takashi Sakurai, MD, PhD., National Center for Geriatrics & Gerontology, Japan
       A new approach for comprehensive care and research of dementia
    11. Guk Hee Suh, MD, PhD., Hallym University, Korea
       Current antidementia drugs: symptomatic or disease-modifying?