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제23회 Ilsong Graduate Student Seminar / 제21회 Ilsong Biannual Research Report

  • 조회수 373
  • 작성자 일송생명과학연구소
  • 작성일 21.08.19

제23회 Ilsong Graduate Student Seminar / 제21회 Ilsong Biannual Research Report
□ 일시 : 2019년 1월 31일
□ 장소 : 일송생명과학연구소 9층 세미나실
□ 내용 :
1. Maria Jose Dubon / The role of melanotransferrin (CD228) in the regulation of human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM MSC) differentiation
2. Ji Hye Kim / Development of molecular tools for detecting red imported fire ants
3. Ram Wagle / Radiation resistance of Drosophila Neuroblasts in radiation sensitive stage embryo
4. Joshua Adekunle Babalola / Comparative analysis of three mouse adapted scrapie strains after interspecies transmission
5. Min-Woo Choi / Involvement of ecotropic murine leukemia virus in the prion-infected senescence-accelerated mice models
6. Mo-Jong Kim / Effect of calsenilin on synaptic function: synaptic protein and ultrastructure
7. Hee Jun Kim / RhoA /ROCK controls connexin 43 activity in vitro and in vivo prion infected system