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제9회 Ilsong Graduate Student Seminar / 제7회 Ilsong Biannual Research Report

  • 조회수 294
  • 작성자 일송생명과학연구소
  • 작성일 21.08.19

제9회 Ilsong Graduate Student Seminar / 제7회 Ilsong Biannual Research Report
□ 일시 : 2012년 2월 29일
□ 장소 : 일송생명과학연구소 9층 세미나실
□ 내용 :
1. Huong T.T Ngo / Hepatitis C virus core protein modulates MAP kinase-activated protein kinase 3 for viral propagation.
2. Eun Mee Park / Identification of cellular proteins involved in lipid metabolism disturbance associated with hepatitis C virus infection.
3. Eun-Mi Lee / Distinct functions of Drosophila Claspin in response to incomplete DNA replication and DNA double-strand breaks.
4. Seung Won Jin / The expression profile of PKC isoforms during hMSC differenciation.
5. Suyeon Jun / Expression of AGR2 in biliary tract cancer and its tumor-promoting capacity.
6. Yi Li / Small GTPases, Rap1 and RhoA regulate superoxide formation by Rac1 GTPase activation during the phagocytosis of IgG-opsonized zymosans in macrophages
7. Jae-Min Oh / The cellular prion protein prevents oxidative stress-induced autophagic cell death in hippocampal neurons.
8. Yun-Jung Lee / The Prevalence of Human Endogenous Retroviruses in the major burned patients.
9. Hee-Jung Choi / Alteration of posttranslational modification of Triose phosphate isomerase in Drosophila presenilin mutant
10. Jung-Mi Choi / Whole exome sequencing in a family with Parkinson disease to identify a novel causal variant
11. Jeong Hoon Hong / Mutation of NDUFS5, a component of mitochondrial complex I as a possible cause for Parkison disease