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제10회 Ilsong Graduate Student Seminar / 제8회 Ilsong Biannual Research Report

  • 조회수 278
  • 작성자 일송생명과학연구소
  • 작성일 21.08.19

제10회 Ilsong Graduate Student Seminar / 제8회 Ilsong Biannual Research Report
□ 일시 : 2012년 8월 30일
□ 장소 : 일송생명과학연구소 9층 세미나실
□ 내용 :
1. Eunjung Lee / Alteration of post-translational modifications in Triose phosphate isomerase in Drosophila presenilin mutant.
2. Hong-Seok Choi / The involvement of mitochondrial dynamic proteins in prion disease.
3. Jeong Hoon Hong / Whole exome sequencing in a family with Parkinson disease to identify a novel causal variant.
4. Hee-Jun Kim / Transforming growth factor-β1 regulates NF-κB activation via RhoA in macrophages.
5. Lam N. Nguyen / Stearoyl-CoA desaturase is involved in hepatitis C virus propagation.
6. Van T.T. Huynh / Abelsoninteractor 1 is a cellular factor required for hepatitis C virus propagation.
7. Hee Jin Shim / Cell Cycle Checkpoint Induced by Ionizing Radiation in Drosophila Oogenesis.
8. Jeong-Ho Park / Abnormal accumulation of autophagic vacuoles in hippocampal neurons of PrP-deficient mice.
9. Min-Ju Chae / N-terminally truncated Pink1 protein (ΔN-PINK1) induces autophagy in mammalian cells.
10. Jae-Min Oh / Oxidative stress impairs autophagic flux in prion protein-deficient hippocampal cells.
11. Sooho Lee / Anti-obesity Effects of 3-Hydroxychromone Derivative, a Novel Small-Molecule Inhibitor of Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3.